A Heart Full of Tennessee Flavor
Cyndi Torres
Hi there!  I just wanted to give you a little look at the person behind the music.  My name is Cyndi Limbaugh Torres.  Yes, I am related to Rush and David Limbaugh, but I’m not going to talk about that, except to say that Limbaugh family reunions are loud, fun and full of people with STRONG opinions. 

I grew up in Michigan in a suburb of Detroit.  My family were southern transplants so where music was concerned, there was a mix of country, Motown and hymns. 

I grew up singing in church and I still treasure the old hymns.
I started songwriting in college.  It was a defining point for me.  It is still a defining aspect of who I am.  I love music and I love words and the power of those two together is still amazing to me.  

I have spent most of my life writing my heart out.  Not every song is my story but every song becomes my story for a brief time.  It sways and dances with my heart and it leaves a kiss on my soul.

So, it is my pleasure to share my passion and love for music with you; from my heart to yours.
Single Cuts
Living In Never Land
This song is the story of a self-proclaimed tough guy, who never cared what anyone else wanted.  After a close encounter with God, he’s a changed man.  Dave Smith is the wonderful singer on this recording.
What Do I Mean To You
This duet with Dave Smith is every heart’s cry.  “How do you feel about me?”  “Am I important to you?”  “What do I mean to you?”
What Kind Of Kiss Was That
This is a fun look at what a kiss can mean.  Most women can relate to having to share their partner with a four legged heart throb.
Breathe Easy
The main singer, Dave Smith, is a stellar country singer and he does a great job on this song.  Breathe Easy is about finding someone you can trust with your whole life.  They feel safe…they feel good…they feel like home.
Dancing In Dallas
This song is dedicated to a fantastic group of women I met in Dallas.  We laughed, cried and danced our hearts out.  It’s fun and infectious.
Stylistically it is a big departure from the strong country feel, but it represents my broad musical roots.  Topically we probably all know what it feels like to be invisible to the world around us.  This is a cry to be acknowledged, noticed and not dismissed.  I hope it reminds us to open our eyes, ears and hands to the people around us.
You, Me and Elvis
This song is a guitar and vocal arrangement.  We were going for a simple and light hearted sound.  It’s a sweet look at a couple’s life together.  And Elvis is in the house!
Jonah And The Whale
With the same feel as Invisible, Jonah is a musical caress.  The hook is a unique view of a relationship that is ending.  Sometimes one part of a couple can be happy and in love while the other part is dreaming of leaving.
You Show Me Yours
This is another song about a couple wrestling toward a better relationship.  As a women I really want to know what my partner is thinking and feeling.  As a man, he doesn’t want to tell me.
You Can’t Trust A Mexican
This song is pure fun.  I got the idea when I was sitting in a bar waiting to get on stage and sing for the crowd.  There were beer and alcohol signs everywhere.  It still make me laugh just thinking about this song.
Contact Information
Social Media
Cyndi “Limbaugh” Torres Music
“The music
sways and dances
with my heart
and it leaves a kiss
on my soul”
Video Presentations (Lyric Sing-a-Longs)
Click on Song Title